HUMAN RESOURCES | Cristiano Pallara
Saturday 25 January 2020, at 5 pm, InCUBOAzione presents the exhibition "Human Resources" by Cristiano Pallara. Second appointment of the series of meetings entitled / Sim · bï · ón · te /.
Eight years after its birth, InCUBOAzione, the studio of Federica Gonnelli, confirms its nature as an incubator space for projects, revelations, works and responses, finally opening up or it would be better to say incubating inside it, for 8 days the unpublished project of a artist. / Sim bï ón te /, the title chosen for this review, derives from symbiosis and is used in biology to indicate an organism that lives inside or on the surface of another living organism, which in this case hosts it, establishing a relationship of commensality or mutualistic symbiosis with it. It is precisely this aspect of symbiosis between who is being hosted and who is hosting, which is interesting to underline from the point of view of the project. Following Federica's participation, in September 2018, in "Secondo Piano Art Residence" by Z.N.S. project, program of #artistic #residences #experimental and #independent curated by the artist Cristiano Pallara and Margherita Capodiferro. With the intention of #fare #rete, the three have activated an additional channel of collaboration. The artists participating in the Z.N.S.project residency program can also submit a project for / Sim · bï · ón · te /. / Sim · bï · ón · te / and Z.N.S.project, share the ideals of artistic connection, exchange, #dialogoconilterritorio and # ospitalitàattiva.
The / Sim · bï · ón · te / in this second appointment is in fact Cristiano Pallara, whose works interact with those of Federica present in the studio, both benefiting from the shared experience and activating new research possibilities. A virtuous dialogue that expands upon meeting the observer, who in turn participates in the symbiosis. "Human Resources", which will inaugurate on 25 January 2020, is above all an experiment on how communication methods have changed (mail / paper - email / digital), the design and implementation of which, given the distance between the residences of the subjects involved , took place exclusively through these methods.
Cristiano's artistic path starts from poetry, passing in the nineties through mail art and finally arriving at painting. The project for / Sim · bï · ón · te / is therefore configured as a return to the origins, never completely abandoned, but always implied and present a priori. The first of the works on display refers to the mail art: “Nero”.
"Nero" is a bunch of 60 postcards 14.5x15 cm deliberately and ostentatiously imprecise, characterized by different representative and formal levels such as: drawing, collage, painting and copy art so dear to mail artists, which aims to provoke and undermine the established canons from the system. Each postcard is part of a great story through images, a catalog of contemporary imaginary scenarios, images that are incongruous at first glance, apparently familiar, but which, upon prolonged observation, reveal themselves to be equipped with multiple levels of reading, composite images to illustrate the complexity of the daily life and the vision of reality itself. Each postcard refers to themes that involve us individually and / or collectively, cultured and popular themes ranging from ethics to religion, from art history to literature, soliciting their analysis and therefore accompanying us in a wide-ranging reflection aimed at develop lateral thinking.
"Nero" is inspired by "Oblique Strategies, Over One Hundred Worthwhile Dilemmas", a deck of cards contained in a small black box, created in 1975 by musician Brian Eno and artist Peter Schmidt . The cards, black on one side and white on the other, offer dark and cryptic aphorisms, solicitations, ideas, abstract suggestions, aimed at favoring lateral thinking, imagination and consequently creative thinking. Strange pathology that afflicts artists, as if art were a disease that manifests its symptoms and that needs to be recognized, not to be healed but, absurdly, to get worse.
And it is precisely in “InCUBOAzione” that the first symptoms have always appeared through the works, at the right time. "Incubation", in fact, in the history of religions, means the custom of sleeping in a sanctuary waiting to receive divine revelations or lateral thoughts in the dream again. What Eno and Schmidt write about Oblique Strategies also fits perfectly with "Nero": "These cards developed from the observation of the principles that regulate our creations. Sometimes they were recognized retrospectively (thus coming to coincide intellect and intuition), sometimes they arose from action, at other times they were simple formulas. They could be used as a whole (a series of possibilities constantly recalled to memory) or in isolation, extracting a card from the game, shuffling the deck, each whenever a dilemma arises in the course of a specific situation. In this case we go back to paper even if its application is not clear. The cards do not give definitive responses, in the sense that new ideas will arise spontaneously, others will gradually become evident ".
In particular, it is the perfect blend of intellect and intuition, rational and irrational, will and chance that distinguish all of Cristiano's work, in which the drawing leaves room for the free brushstroke, in which the background color emerges between the shades of whites / gray / black, in which the boundaries between original and copy, reality and illusion, play and commitment become very blurred.
The "Black" work, like the system of oblique strategies, tempers us in the inevitable confrontation with reality, with daily alea, with risk. As in avant-garde music, alea, the compositional criterion in which a large margin of chance finds space or which leaves a certain degree of freedom to the performer, in "Nero" is left to uncertainty and to us observers full freedom. . "Nero" is a composition of life exercises in whose execution Cristiano recognizes and identifies himself to the point of defining the work itself as an autobiography.
Like a skilled conjurer or illusionist, Cristiano constantly trains to refine more and more the dexterity of his hands and his mental abilities, shuffles the cards, selects images that we see, that we choose, led through his gaze and finally Cristiano manipulates and alters the reality and this ability is, again, lateral thinking. Art such as illusionism favor lateral thinking. Art like illusionism is a form of show, entertainment where the artist or illusionist creates seemingly unreal effects using tricks that can be physical or psychological, where the trick lies in the mental abilities and in the hands of the artist. And what is illusionism if not the art of doubt and vice versa? And what is art if not the prestige of showing reality for what it really is through a different, illusory vision? Art is the illusion of doubt. As observers, what is left to us at the end of every illusionism or artistic experience, if not a doubt about what we have witnessed or experienced?
With "Nero", Cristiano closes the trilogy of doubt, exhibiting on display the triptych "A devoted daughter" and the large card "The doubt", together with some small canvases from the "AvrupA" series, but if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to ask questions.
Cristiano Pallara was born in Lecce in 1976 where he graduated from the State Art School and attended the School of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts. He lives and works in Lecce, Palagiano (TA) and Istanbul. Visual artist, occasional curator and seriously ironic toymaker. Finalist at the Celeste Prize 2008 and at the Combat Prize 2012, already present with the Paolo Erbetta Gallery in Foggia at the most important contemporary art fairs. From 2013 to 2015 he was artistic director of "ThULab | Space for the Visual Arts". Since 2015, together with Z.N.S.project and RivaArteContemporanea, he is the promoter of the "2°Piano" project where he opens his home / studio to welcome, hosting young artists. He has collaborated with the magazines: Stalker (Lecce); Krill (Lecce); Open Forum (Athens); Count Down (Milan); Libero Shipyard (Bologna, Lecce).
- "AvrupA | Cristiano Pallara's new personal story", curated by Z.N.S.project, text by Aldo Augieri, Jefferson Lavanderia, Lecce
- "Il Dubbio | personal story of Cristiano Pallara", curated by Dario Ferreri, Via Murat Art Container, Palagiano (Ta)
- "Preview", Narracentro Museum, Palagiano (Ta)
- “Precious things” (personal), SevenSanatGalerisi, Istanbul, Turkey
- "Valediction", Toppunt project, Lecce
- "Harem", Istanbul, Kadikoy
- "Precious things - Rasshawa", ArtVerona i7 Independent Spaces
- "Charade", web happening - "Zen is the art of Beretta maintenance", speech for Stalker, Lecce
- "The Garden", Aida, Istanbul, Turkey
- "Reinterpreting Matisse", Aida, Istanbul, Turkey
- "Coming of age day" - speech on the occasion of the 11th AMACI Contemporary Day - 10/10/2015 - artist's studio
- "Post Organico - The Day After", Rosan Mines, Narcao, Sardinia - collective exhibition curated by Paola Corrias and Erica Olmetto (1-31 August)
- "Fukushima_When the wind blows"
- "Welcome Home!" - 14 artists in the Old Town, curated by Z.N.S.project, Palazzo Ulmo, Taranto
- "Counterpoint" by ThULab Space for the Visual Arts - White Night San Marco in Lamis (FG)
- "Cristiano Pallara tries to read W. S. Burroughs", reading accompanied by two papers, Kafka's Doll, Lecce
- CreArt curated by L. Madaro, Palazzo Vernazza-Castromediano, Lecce
- "Hatsumode", Participatory action - presentation of the ThULab project - Space for the Visual Arts, "Destroy Powerpoint", Manifatture Knos, Lecce
- “Micro & book”, Circuiti Dinamici, Milan
- "Study for Japanese Visions", speech on the occasion of the IX Contemporary Day of AMACI, 10/10/2013, Urban Laboratory THE FACTORY, Palagiano (Ta)
- "The secret ingredient" (personal), private apartment, Lecce
- "A modo di lui - aspects of contemporary painting", curated by L. Madaro, E-litestudiogallery, Lecce
- “Combat Prize 2012” (painting section finalist), G. Fattori Civic Museum, Livorno
- “micro²”, L'Acanto Gallery, Milan
- "micro²", Circuiti Dinamici and other locations, Milan - Laboratory of Visual Arts (teacher of the painting techniques course), Urban Laboratory THE FACTORY, Palagiano (Ta)
- “Save the Beauty | Taranto calls Italy> Italy responds ", RossoContemporaneo, Taranto, Laboratorio Urbano THE FACTORY, Palagiano (Ta)
- "Colori di Frontiera" Cross-border Art Exhibition, Norman Swabian Castle, Mesagne (Br) - "54th Venice Biennale - Puglia Region" - Santa Scolastica Complex, Bari
- Special intervention for “Immaginario K” (Krill - editorial project), Lecce;
- “Il Mercato dei Sogni”, Scenographies and Costumes for the theatrical show. Emotions in Art Association, Paisiello Theater, Lecce
- “Art Verona - Independents”, Manifatture Knos, Lecce
- “ARTO 'Artfair in Opencity” (Erbetta Gallery), Rome
- “60 artists for LILT”, Società Operaia, Lecce
- “NewWorks”, Paolo Erbetta Gallery, Foggia
- "The cook, the artist, the architect and his curator", curated by Grazia De Palma, Plenilunio alla Fortezza, Mola di Bari (Ba)
- “Exhibition in the garden”, Gli Archi, Lecce
- "Celeste Prize" (painting finalists selection), Rome - "Tiny", curated by F. De Filippi, Galleria RIVAartecontemporanea, Lecce
- "First wall", by A.CC.BB.AA., Confindustria, Lecce
- "White Pages of the Author" (Apulia Edition mentioned)
- “Penelope's gaze”, Galleria A.CC.BB.AA., Lecce
- “Thanks to”, Paolo Erbetta Gallery, Foggia
- "ArtVerona06" (Erbetta Gallery)
- “MiArt”, (Erbetta Gallery), Exhibition Center, Milan 2005
- “Crysalis”, curated by G. De Palma, Castello Svevo, Trani / Bari
- “MiArt”, Preview Section, (Galleria Erbetta), Exhibition Center, Milan
- “People” (personal), text in the catalog by Gianluca Marziani, Erbetta Gallery, Foggia
- “In linea”, Galleria A.CC.BB.AA., Lecce
- "Gaetano Morgese", V ° National Painting Competition, Terlizzi (Ba)
- “Body to body”, Carlo V ° Castle, Lecce
- “Caf-Controartefiera”, Level 57, Bologna
- “Inedito”, Melebono Social Park, Lecce 1999
- "Courtesy for guests", for Outoftheblue curated by Francesco Arena and Giuseppe Pinto, Torre S.Susanna (Br) 1998
- “Three places” Libero Cantiere, Former Aula Bunker, Lecce
- "Geographies without borders", curated by Matteo Guarnaccia, Auditorium, Gorgonzola (Mi)
HUMAN RESOURCES INAUGURATION Saturday 25 January 2020 at 5 pm until 9 pm with free admission from 26 January to 2 February open by appointment InCUBOAzione, Via Delle Fonti, 480, Santa Maria a Colonica, Prato Info: 339 8075262 or 333 9093327 www.federicagonnelli .it / nightmare.html
#incubation #znsproject # 2piano #viamurat #artcontainer #contemporaryart #symbionte #resources #human #fineart #whatscontemporaryart #acheservelarte #mailart #strategieoblique #cristianopallara
| | | 329 13 23 182 | |Via Murat – 74019 Palagiano (TA) |
#ArteContemporanea #Artistrunspace #Puglia #residenze #sitespecific #artivisive #SpaziIndipendenti #2PianoArtResidence