• Palagiano,Taranto, Italy

ZNS Project

Z.N.S. project, or “Zentral Nerve System”. "Central Nervous System" again. A project that intends to integrate the main functions of creative elaboration, trying to transmit stimuli in exchange for answers.

It intervenes in Contemporary Art in support and enhancement of young artists. The mission is to bring Art closer to the public, start a discussion on the Contemporary Art System, provoke reshuffles and second thoughts.

The proposed activities are a fundamental example of reflection, documentation and research that include all types of unpublished, alternative, unconventional, innovative artistic manifestation, developed in residence and carried out mainly by the members of the association. The main interest is focused on the diffusion of the work of young artists and creatives who develop a constant and innovative research. ZNSproject is a community that organizes moments of reflection and research in contemporary art.

Rethinking urban and social spaces, in an intimate exchange between the domestic and social environments, artists and creatives intervene in everyday life by activating virtuous devices able to decode our time and our space.

Our Projects

2° Piano Art Residency
“2° Piano” is an experimental artistic residency program, an autonomous and independent initiative, created by Artists for Artists, based in the province of southern Italy (Palagiano/Ta - Puglia)
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Via Murat Art Container
"Via Murat" is an innovative and experimental space, an artist-run space, a meeting point, exchange, reflection and relationship, a place of artistic production dedicated to Contemporary Art and its protagonists, in which to explore, interact, experience, learn.
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