// Art can generate virtuous devices able to help us decode our time and our space
For Artists, Creatives and Curators
in movement!!
“2° PIANO ART RESIDENCY” is an independent artistic residency program, an artist-run space that hosts artists called to explore, interact and interpret reality. The artist Cristiano Pallara opens the doors to welcoming Artists, Creatives and Curators on the move, activating a virtuous and shared process of research and experimentation.
Our mission is to support the growth of young artists in their research and practice, provide space for experimentation, and to foster the equal and constructive exchange between artists and the public.
ZNSproject is a network of artists, critics, and art theorists. This residency provides an opportunity for collaboration, discussion, and reflection on contemporary art.
2°Piano Art Residency is operated by artists for artists, as an alternative to government or business-sponsored organizations. This program exists solely to benefit artists and the community. Our goal is to educate and to create open discussion; relying on the mutual trust and respect among our members. Our community is the foundation of 2°Piano.
Joins us!
a) 2° PIANO - Project: The local social becomes the starting point for an artistic production - Attention: Knowledge of the Italian language is required
1. What is 2° Piano
- 2°Piano is an artist-in-residency program which selects participant proposals that will benefit the local community.
- We support our artists throughout the development of their work: organization, production, exhibition, and promotion.
- Our team is available for questions, material research, mentorship, and more.
- The exhibit space is located at Via Murat Art Container. There is studio workspace, exhibition space, and a local network of artists.
- Access to wi-fi and Communication (newsletter - press releases - social networks) ....
2. Art Disciplines and Mediums
Visual Arts / Performing Arts / Installation / Video Art / New media / Art Educational Programs /
3. Residency Guidelines
- Duration: min/max two weeks
- Number of Residents: min two artists at a time
- Selection Process: Complete and submit the Application form
- We will provide letters of invitation and support to apply for funding and grants.
a) 2° PIANO - Project: The local social becomes the starting point for an artistic production - Attention: Knowledge of the Italian language is required
4. Selection Criteria
- Qualitative, artistic, technical, and conceptual feasibility of the proposal
- The experience and professionalism demonstrated by the artist’s portfolio and curriculum vitae
- Originality of the proposal, its relevance to contemporary themes, and its potential to inspire thoughts and conversation
- Regard for the environment: including the safety, availability, and ease of disposal of any artistic materials
- Economic and environmental sustainability
- If the work is intended for exhibition, the artist must be able to clearly define how viewers will interact with the work inside the gallery or during the creative process. The exhibition should give particular regard to the environment and context and place. The exhibit should inspire exploration and discussion among viewers
- If the artist wishes to offer a workshop, the availability of required materials and the quality of the content will be assessed. The workshop will be considered in regards to reproducibility, the target audience, language used, and necessary materials.
5. Selection committee
Margherita Capodiferro
Cristiano Pallara
Danilo Riva
Federica Gonnelli
Aurora Avvantaggiato
6. PARTNERSHIP | ||||||
An artist residency by Artists for Artists
- A comfortable and welcoming home
- Artist workspace
- Exhibition space
- Wi-Fi connection
- Logistical and technical curatorial support
- Realization and presentation of your ARTwork
- Opportunity for your own Workshop: you will be the one to choose the duration and the minimum number of participants
- Show Exhibition of your Artwork or collection
- Promotion and exposure for your Artwork
Promotion and Exposure
- Online:
- Press releases
Mailinglist / Newsletter
a) 2° PIANO - Project: The local social becomes the starting point for an artistic production - Attention: Knowledge of the Italian language is required
2016 - 2022
Riccardo Antonelli | Aurora Avvantaggiato | Angela Capotorto | Lisa Cutrino |Paolo Ferrante | Lorenzo Galuppo | Giulia Gazza | Federica Gonnelli | Angela Lazazzera | Annalisa Macagnino | LùeDo (Lucia Macrì e Domenico D.Arces) | Andrea Moscardi | Angelo Pacifico |Giusi Pallara | Irene Pucci | Francesco Romanelli | Domenico Ruccia | Francesca Speranza | Silvia Trappa | Marco Vitale | Raffaele Vitto | Veronica Rastelli
- Required Documents:
- Artistic Portfolio (or curriculum)
- Copy of your ID
- 3 high-quality jpeg images of the proposal and workshop (if selected it will be the first image-communication)
- Letter of Motivation
- Completed and signed Application form online: with Description of your proposal.
- In your application form, please indicate if you will be applying alone or with one other artist:
- Be aware that only two (max three) artist can stay at one time. If you apply as an individual, you must be open to sharing your living space and engaging in collaboration with another artist.
- Copy of the payment of a social contribution of 25.00 euros *
**Provide your first name and surname: anonymous emails will be rejected.
*Are you not up to date with your membership fee? write to us and request membership
Send your documents to:
Follow us:
Facebook: 2°Piano Art Residence
Instagram: @znsprojectlab
Per info:
e-mail: znsprojectlab@gmail.com *
2° piano #3 | 2018
2° Piano Art Residency is a subdivision of Z.N.S. The ZNS Association does not receive public funding, it is a product of our love for our local community and the advancement of art.
Special thanks for the translation of this page to Jenna LeFort - Ripe Content Studio