Dal 6 Giugno 2020 on-line su
@Breaking Glass | Il Futuro che vivremo
@via murat art container @2 piano art residency
“BREAKING GLASS | The Future we will live" is an online exhibition, a project by Z.N.S.project curated by Margherita Capodiferro with a contribution from the Curator and Art Critic Ivan Quaroni. Sixteen artists give their own point of view on the aspects of the unprecedented historical period we are experiencing, projected on a future that is still unknown and uncertain.
From 6 June to 12 July, Riccardo Antonelli, Aurora Avvantaggiato, Angela Capotorto, Giulia Gazza, Lorenzo Galuppo, Federica Gonnelli, LùeDo, Angelo Pacifico, Cristiano Pallara, Giusi Pallara, Irene Pucci, Francesco Romanelli, Domenico Ruccia, Francesca Speranza, Raffaele Vitto, deepen a reflection projected towards tomorrow.
"How will we live our lives after"? Something has inevitably changed, our daily life, habits, our individuality and sociality interconnected and not only characterized by the restrictions imposed and accepted, but even more by the fear of contagion, suspicion and a sense of guilt; From the limitation of individual freedoms, to the hypothesis of mass surveillance; The windows are now broken and nothing will ever be the same again. Probably for this reason the artists for “Breaking Glass | the Future we will live" return the hope for a return to humanity, to a more authentic and intimate dimension, attentive to small things, to small gestures. A magnifying glass on the objects that more than others have made us discuss in isolation, both sought after and unobtainable; A sequence of images, diary pages, of a space / time interiority that visually manifests itself in consequential phases to find a way of connecting with nature; Or the memory of past moments, as well as the desire to relive them soon. We rediscover the link with the earth, the wind that shakes the hair beyond the window; The symbolism of the terrestrial sphere and its rippling, drying up until the imminent announced implosion if we do not hurry to gestures of voluntary care, of attention to the eco system, like the simple sprouting of a seed. In the infinite contradictions of the human being we find impossible, almost futuristic machines, which however speak to us of identity and tradition, alongside the intimate story of the mental environments that have protected and isolated us on this side of the window and that we will probably struggle to leave in the short term. . And here, in contrast, the persistent deterioration of an abandoned architectural landscape, the denunciation of the unfinished and the need for completion, in order not to fall into dramatic shortcomings and emergencies. The windows are broken and they have shown us all the limits in which we have been floating for a long time. The discipline of social distancing that accompanies us and will accompany us again is not enough; The future that will come between immunological cards and young men who grow up depends on all of us.
So, finally, the crisis? Albert Einstein in 1955 wrote “Crisis can be a real blessing”, inviting us not to expect changes in continuing to do things in the exact same way; “(...) because it is precisely the crisis that brings progress. Because creativity comes from anguish, as the day comes from the dark night. It is in the crisis that inventiveness, discoveries and great strategies are born. Whoever overcomes the crisis overcomes himself without being overcome. (...) ".
Art does not stop, it cannot! Because thought, reasoning or imagination cannot stop. We cannot remain inert. Art has the strength to activate virtuous devices and launch critical investigations capable of decoding our time and our space; Artists are able to visually return our collective self and where civilization is going or should, observing with sensitivity beyond the established patterns. We investigate that invisible thread that binds us all and that is synthesized in human contact, that bodily boundary in which the being takes substance in relation to other living spaces and which multiplies to infinity. An online exhibition, at this moment, allows us to give voice and image to the set of emotions, expectations and disillusions that have accompanied us in these months, but also allows us to remember that art is first of all direct experience, an opportunity of growth that involves all the senses and the intellect. To return, as soon as possible, to an analogical dimension of the artistic experience.
"Being together with ..." reminds us of the inviolable and interdependent social pact between all the forms of the planet that inevitably must be looked at without forgetting our fate intimately linked to that of the eco system. Covid-19, New Covid, Coronavirus or Sars-Cov-2 (call it what you want) reminded us well of this compromise, preventing and denying us any “natural” contact and interaction. So what value does the distinction between closed / open / home / outside / sociability / productivity / landscape and environment acquire? how will the relationships that bind us change in our tomorrow? Which world awaits us but above all, which world do we want to live beyond the year zero of Covid-19?
It is time to collect the pieces and mix them up in a different way, to redesign the future we will live with responsibility, beyond the self-induced barriers, both personal and of a society suffocated by the economy and the market, to regain possession of the true values of being "To the World with ..." and not the only and only recipients of the "World resource". This is the invitation of the artists, this is the meaning of "Breaking Glass | The future we will live ". We will be held accountable for the decisions we make today, because they will be the basis of what we build for everyone's tomorrow.
From 6 June 2020 "BREAKING GLASS | The Future we will live" will be online on the Facebook event page created ad hoc and shared on the Facebook pages of the 2°Piano Art Residency and Via Murat Art Container. A work will be uploaded every day at 11:30 am. It will be accessible on the Instagram page of @ZNSprojectlab, @ Breakingglass_2020 and on the website
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ZNS project
Instagram: @znsprojectlab
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