Born in 1986. School of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari. In 2016 I carried out a training period abroad in Croatia at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and in 2017 I collaborated with the University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), as assistant to the Director of the School of Painting Ioan Sbarciu.
Among the artistic projects we mention:
- "2°Piano Art Residence 2018" curated by Cristiano Pallara and Margherita Capodiferro, Z.N.S.project;
- (2018) "Anatomy of Beauty" - Casa Cava, Matera;
- "Epiphany of the Beyond" - Bunker C4, Vicenza; (2017) Personal exhibition, "Memories Storyteller", at the Gallery of the Mario Moderni Foundation (Rome);
- Personal exhibition "Toys" at the café space of the Chiostro del Bramante Museum (Rome);
- “Genoa Art Expo 2017” - Palazzo Stella, Genoa; “Percorsi - Between Vision and Reality” - Sale del Bramante, Rome;
- (2016) “Works on Paper” - The Brick Lane Gallery, London;
- “A.L.U. Annual Exhibition" - Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb
PH Vincenzo Paccione
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